Karelia Search!
Explore websites about the Republic of Karelia in Russia!







Encyclopædia Britannica Karelia.

Wikipedia: Karelia Free encyclopedia information about the Republic of Karelia.

Ethnic Conflicts Border Disputes Ideological Clashes Terrorism What is Karelia?

The Red Book of the Peoples of the Russian Empire The Karelians.

The Red Book of the Peoples of the Russian Empire The Veps.

Radio Free Europe Finland: Soviet Annexation Of Karelia Still A Taboo Subject . (2003)

Migrant Tales What should Finland do about Karelia? (2007)

Russophobia Goodbye, Karelia! Warm wishes! (2010)

Break the Chains The outrage of the police in Petrozavodsk, Russia. (2010)

Invincible Probity Karelia – A Lesson In Humanity / re: Finland. (2011)

Window on Eurasia Karelians Organize to Defend Their Republic Against Amalgamation. (2014)

Post Magazine Russian Karelia looks to the past and future. (2015)

Jamestown Foundation Russian Karelia: Further Repressions Instead of European Integration? (2017)

Foreigner.fi Karelia, a wound in the hearts of Finns. (2019)




Karelian Tourism Portal from Petrozavodsk.

Go Karelia Travel company based in Petrozavodsk.

Visit Russia 7 Top Things to Do in Karelia Region.

WikiTravel Karelia.

WikiTravel Petrozavodsk.

Russiatrek Karelia Republic.

Lonely Planet Karelia.

Trip Advisor Karelia.




The KIZHI State open-air Museum of History, Architecture and Ethnography in Petrozavodsk.

The Museum of Fine Arts of Karelian Republic in Petrozavodsk.

Information Centre of Finno-Ugric Peoples Karelians (incl. Ludes).

Heninen Finnish Karelia memories.

Wikipedia Karelian Bear Dog.

Wikipedia Vepsians

Wikipedia Livvi-Karelian language.

Russia Beyond the Headlines Karelians: Life on the border between cultures. (2016)



Karelia Regional Nature Conservancy (SPOK)

Russian Language School in Karelia Information for international students.




Euregio Karelia Cross border co-operation association.

Barent's Observer Karelia strikes €4,6 billion East-West infrastructure deal. (2013)

YLE Investors to build road in Karelia. (2013)

Barent's Observer IKEA logging in Karelia not sustainable. (2014)

Rainforest Rescue Ikea halts deforestation in Karelia. (2014)




Republic of Karelia Official web portal of the Republic of Karelia.

Government of the Republic of Novegrad

Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Republic of Karelia.

Karelia Cross Border Co-operation Programme

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Last links check: March 8, 2023
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