You Tube Tourism
in Kurdistan 2010.
Iraqi Kurdistan.
Iraqi Kurdistan.
Iraq Guide Tours.
Kurdistan Guide Based in
Slate Iraqi Kurdistan, Vacation Paradise? (2011)
The Washington Post Kurdistan: the other Iraq. (2011)
The New Yorker From Kurdistan to New York. (2013)
Climbing in Iraq. (2013)
Business Insider 14 Beautiful Photos Of Erbil, The Capital Of Iraqi
Kurdistan That ISIS Is Targeting. (2014)
Intertek Certificate of Conformity for Exports to the Kurdistan
NYDinar Exchange bureau to obtain Iraqi Dinar money which
is used in Iraqi Kurdistan.
Corruption in Kurdistan Blog.
Gulf Keystone Petroleum
The Guardian Tony Hayward in line for multimillion windfall
after Iraq oil deal. (2011)
The New York Times Iraq Criticizes Exxon Mobil on Kurdistan Oil Pursuits.
The Guardian Britain steps into row over oil contracts in Kurdistan.
Dawn Kurdistan’s oil standoff. (2012)
DW Iraqi Kurdistan's boom laced with pitfalls. (2013)
The Guardian Golden oil of Iraqi Kurdistan raises tensions
with Baghdad. (2013)
Iraqi Kurdistan On The Brink Of Collapse As Oil Prices Crash.
University of Kurdistan Hewlêr Located in Erbil.
The International School of Choueifat-Erbil Located in Erbil.
The Kurds of Iraq
A Book.
Kurdish Project A cultural-education
initiative to celebrate Kurdish culture and build bridges between
Kurds and the West.
Studio Libeskind
New Kurdistan Museum.
Kurdistan Football Association
Facebook Miss Kurdistan TV Show.
Huff Post Shene Aziz Ako Crowned Miss Kurdistan 2012. (2012)
The Guardian FGM: 'It's like neutering animals' – the
film that is changing Kurdistan. (2013)
BBC News Who are the Kurds? (2017)
Kurdistan Regional Government
Wikipedia: Kurdistan Regional
Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization Iraqi Kurdistan: 2013 Legislative Elections.
Al Monitor PUK Falls to Third Place In Iraqi Kurdistan Elections.
Wikipedia Iraqi Kurdistan parliamentary election. (2013)
Musings on Iraq Complete 2013 Kurdistan Regional Government Election
Results. (2013)
Wikipedia: Iraqi Kurdistan
Wikipedia: Kurds in Iraq
Wikipedia: Erbil
Capital City.
Urban regeneration in Kurdistan Blog.
The Migrant Project
Iraqi Kurdistan.
BBC News Iraqi Kurdistan profile.
Kurdistan Commentary
News, information, and reviews on Kurdish issues in Kurdistan,
the Middle East and beyond.
Committee to Protect Journalists Kurdistan.
Daily News and information.
Kurdistan 24
News and information.
Iraqi News
New York Times Iraqi Kurdistan News Stories.
BBC News Iraqi Kurdistan News Stories.
NPR Kurdistan
News Stories.
Anti War Iraq Protests Spread to Kurdistan. (2011)
Human Rights Watch Iraqi Kurdistan: Growing Effort to Silence Media.
Space War No post-2011 US bases in Iraqi Kurdistan: official.
The New York Times Fate of a U.S. Base Heightens Tensions in Iraq’s
Contested North. (2011)
Committee to Protect Journalists In Iraqi Kurdistan, riots lead to press freedom
abuses. (2011)
Human Rights Watch Iran/Turkey: Recent Attacks on Civilians in Iraqi
Kurdistan. (2011)
The New Republic Iraqi Kurdistan Is Booming. Will It Ever Be a
Separate State? (2011)
Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization Iraqi Kurdistan: New Opportunities In 2012. (2012)
Workers Liberty Campaign against suppression of Freedom of Expression
in Kurdistan. (2012)
Dawn Women’s rights law no match for Kurdistan
tradition. (2012)
Human Rights Watch Iraqi Kurdistan: Free Speech Under Attack. (2013)
Al Jazeera Iraqi Kurdistan: Oil, politics and power. (2013)
Al Monitor Iraqi Kurdistan Elections Could Be Turning Point.
The New York Times Syrian Kurds Find More Than a Refuge in Northern
Iraq. (2013)
Anti-War Kurdistan Election Violence Turns Deadly; 18 Killed
Across Iraq. (2013)
BBC News Iraq's Kurds focus on autonomy. (2013)
BBC News Iraqi Kurdistan opposition party beats PUK in
elections. (2013)
Committee to Protect Journalists Mountain of impunity looms over Kurdistan journalists.
Pass Blue In Kurdistan and Beyond, Honor Killings Remind
Women They Are Worthless. (2014)
The Economist Why are so many Kurdish women setting themselves
on fire? (2014)
International Business Times Safe Haven From ISIS: Erbil, in Iraqi Kurdistan,
Keeps Jihadists Out, Refugees In. (2014)
Ottomans and Zionists Blog Time For Turkey To Support An Independent Iraqi
Kurdistan. (2014)
Al Jazeera Iraq's Kurds rule out giving up Kirkuk. (2014)
DW Kurdish Alliance? (2014)
Al Arabiya Iranian forces arrive in Iraq’s Kurdistan
to protect shrines. (2014)
CNN World Official: Kurdish forces fend off ISIS fighters,
hold Mosul Dam. (2014)
The Guardian US to directly arm Kurdish peshmerga forces in
bid to thwart Isis offensive. (2014)
The Guardian UK steps up role in Iraq with move to aid Kurds
and Yazidis against Isis. (2014)
BBC News Iraq
crisis: International boost to arms and aid supply. (2014)
The Daily Beast Why Iran Fears Iraq's Kurds. (2014)
The Atlantic The Economic Case Against an Independent Kurdistan.
The New Arab Kurdistan in Turmoil. (2017)
Open Edition
Iraqi Kurdistan: A Porous Political Space. (2017)
Foreign Policy Research
Institute Systemic Crisis
in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. (2018)
Reuters Iraqi PM meets Kurdistan region leader for first
time since independence vote. (2018)
The Hill Kurdistan needs help from the US and international
community to build a stable future. (2018)
Huffington Post It’s Time for an Independent Kurdistan. (2018)
The Washington Institute To Kurdistan and Back: Iran's Forgotten Front.
Middle East Forum Iraqi Kurdistan's Post-Referendum Isolation Boosts
Iran. (2018)
The Conversation
Why Iraqi Kurdistan could be on the brink of revolution. (2018)
The New Humanitarian
In Iraqi Kurdistan, reality bites as independence dream fades.
The Brussel Times
Iraqi Kurdistan reaches out to EU while keeping independence
dream alive. (2020)
Reporters Without Borders Wave of arrests of journalists since Covid-19’s
arrival. (2020)
VOA Iraq’s
Kurdish Region Becomes Less Safe for Iranian Dissidents. (2020)
New Internationalist
Turkey ramps up war on Kurds in Northern Iraq [which is NOT Iraqi
Kurdistan]. (2020)
World Socialist Web Site Turkish army launches ground attacks into Iraqi
Kurdistan to target PKK. (2020)
The Middle East Policy Council Syrian and Iraqi Kurds: Conflict and Cooperation.
Coronavirus could cause US to lose Iraqi Kurdish region to China.
AEI Why a
US military base in Iraqi Kurdistan is a bad idea. (2020)
The Washington Institute Divisions in Iraqi Kurdistan Are Costing the United
States a Reliable Partner. (2020)
LSE The Iraqi
Kurds’ Destructive Infighting: Causes and Consequences.
Middle East Institute
Iraqi Kurdistan in the US-Iraq strategic dialogue: Re-evaluating
security sector reform. (2020)
VOA Iraqi
Kurdistan Closes Two NRT Bureaus Over Protest Coverage. (2020)
The Arab Weekly
Unrest spreads to Iraqi Kurdistan over socioeconomic woes. (2020)
Relief Web
Cracking down on protesters in Iraqi Kurdistan legitimizes corruption.
Middle East Eye
Iraqi Kurdistan faces water 'catastrophe' as Iran cuts off rivers.
(2020) |